What are the materials to make the shoes?

The shoes admit a wide variety of materials, depending on the aesthetics that you want to look for, the comfort that it provides or the profitability that you want to extract. They can be made of leather (nubuck, patent leather, suede …), synthetic leather, eco-leather, canvas or canvas … In addition, the soles use materials such as rubber, rubber, esparto, jute or known as EVA soles.

Leather for making footwear

Without a doubt, it is among the most used types of footwear materials, derived from animal skins. Used primarily to make dress shoes, it seeks comfort and durability. We are talking about a material that is elastic and breathable.

On the other hand, leather shoes require care and are usually more expensive than other lighter footwear. Even so, its popularity is such that you can find it in other references such as sandals or sneakers.

Split leather: shoe material

Internal part of the skin or layer resulting from sawing a thick skin in several layers. Tougher and very resistant, however, of inferior quality to common leather. Another advantage is that it is very suffered in terms of blows and wear.

Other close variants of the leather are suede and nubuck , used in multiple references. The leather, as you can see, is a guarantee to make quality shoes. Although we assume that it is something you already knew.

Shiny shoes

Leather covered with glossy finish, its origin dates back to the beginning of the 19th century in the United States. More common in women’s footwear and in those used to attend events, black tie parties and ceremonies.

Canvas for making shoes

Very common in sports shoes. Versatile material that gives rise to creative designs, as they adapt well to dyes. Canvas pairs are difficult to deform. If you want to protect your ankles, honestly, there are better options.

Rubber for shoes

It is widely used in the sports industry to make shoe soles. Running shoes for running are a good example of this, as well as so-called tennis shoes. There are also sustainable footwear made from natural rubber. You can wear them all year long.

Regardless of whether it’s snowing or raining, your rubber-soled shoe will get you to your destination in one piece. It is also cheaper to wear a shoe with a rubber sole than a leather shoe. Also, over the years, natural rubber has gained immense popularity over traditional polyester due to its eco-friendly nature.

Synthetics or PU

Synthetic materials, sometimes called PU, are man-made composites with two layers: an outer surface glued to a layer of polyester fibers. Available in many colors and textures, it is used in sports and casual shoes. Lower quality synthetics may not have a very smooth surface, showing folds or wrinkles.

The advantage of shoes made of synthetic materials is that they are generally inexpensive for both the manufacturer and the end user. But of course, they also tend to wear out more quickly.


Cotton, polyester, lycra … The world of textiles also plays a role when it comes to dressing by the feet. It depends on the chosen one, the properties of the footwear may vary. It is a versatile resource to configure part of your collection.


Normally made of plastic, foam is usually used in the upper part of shoes and sports shoes. The open cell foam allows air and water to pass through, while the closed cell belongs to a more impermeable foam.

There are also other materials such as denim or other fabrics. It depends on your audience, your budget, the prevailing trend and other factors, you may be more interested in betting on some materials or others.

What shoe material is the best?

Obviously, it depends on the type of footwear you want to produce and / or sell, your ability to assume the fact of being able to work with some materials or others … But leather shoes are still synonymous with quality . This fact is the reason that, despite the growing trends in using other ecological and vegan materials, the use of leather in the sector continues to be widespread and normalized.

How can I create my own shoe brand?

We have to say that it is not a question that is answered in one sentence nor is it an easy path. In addition to initiative, persistence, certain knowledge of the economy and the market or being aware of trends that are brewing in the sector, you must have savings or capital to be able to face the expenses that this entails.

It is necessary to have a global vision of the project, to assume the possible risks, plan effective strategies, define the audience that interests you and will determine the characteristics of your product … Of course, it will help you Surround yourself with the right people and suppliers, who complement you and share your interest in the brand. It’s a complicated world, but absolutely exciting!

Direct contact with shoe manufacturer

If you want us to go into details, no problem.

Write to us and we will try to bring together positions to reach a satisfactory professional agreement for both parties. Contact us if you are interested in us making the shoes of your brand or the brand for whom you work. It will be a pleasure!

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